Sunday, September 13, 2015

Why Europeans Came to the New World

The arrival of Spanish Conquistadors marked the beginning of colonization in North America. Spanish interest was set on acquiring new wealth. However, Spain was not the only country who had its eye set on the "New World." A rising class of merchants in England began to seek out new trade. Some saw the New World as an opportunity to start over. Difficult economic situations, monarchy governance, and religious strife caused many to view these unknown lands as a place where a better functioning society could be established. Others like the Irish, Italians, and Germans fled to America to escape poverty. By the 1600's people from all over Europe began to travel to the New World, including the Dutch and French. These new waves of  people traveling across the Atlantic would change the course of history forever.

Link to graphic

Links to articles on European exploration, colonization, and trade in North America

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